Friday, 20 May 2011

New look....New Gracielee .

New look....New Gracielee .
Yesterday I closed my original face book account because my posts on animal rights and vegan lifestyle where becomeing to offensive to a lot of people....
I really shouldn't care what other people think or say but...
I am not as tough and thick skinned as people think and honestly the comments I was getting and the negativity was really hurting me....
I started a new one (new look, new me) and I'm just going to add certain people...mainly other animal rights activists and vegans...

I know this might sound strange, like i'm isolating myself but I kind of need one place that I can sound off and have a rant and be with like minded people without the fear of being put down or made fun off..

I know I'm not crazy or wrong in my beliefs and don't live my life the way I do to be offensive to others or to be difficult....

If people, mainly those close to me actually took the time to understand that the last 6 months have been a big journey of discovery for me.

I've lived the life of a lacto vegatarian for 20 years and made the change to veganism 6 months ago after taking the resposibility and seeking out information.....
I have read so much literature on nutrition, animal rights and factory farming,
I have watched countless disturbing secret video footage taken on factory farms right here in Australia, watched heaps of documentaries, listened to lectures and spoken personally to RSPCA inspectors to try and find justification,clarity and reason behind all the things that have been hidden to us for so long....
and it's actually worse in most cases then the fluff pieces the general public are exposed to on commercial news and media...And really their is no justification, no answers...just a heartless desisitised public that includes most of the people I know.....

All this has changed me so much and I can’t simply sit idle and quietly because that makes me just as bad as the people I have seen and read about....I can’t and don’t want to be part of this system......

I don't want to drop any of my old friends but I find it increasingly hard to turn a blind eye and keep quiet....I'm not comfortable anymore.
Honestly...i just am sick of people telling me I'm radical and over the top when they haven’t taken the time to understand why I do and live the way I do...

I just need a safe and happy zone where I feel comfortable and normal...

Every where I go and everything I see on a daily basis is geared to a desensitized
society that I don't fit into comfortably anymore.....

My hope is that the people I love and care about will seek me out and give me an ear an open mind and an open heart...


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