Thursday, 19 May 2011

Ignorance is bliss/ Ignorance is irresponsible

Is it just our lack of knowledge that makes us so ignorant or do we just disregard the principles of logic and hold on to the routine of our lives blindly without thought or care because that’s all we know and care to know.

I don’t understand how anyone can be faced with logic and disregard it without thinking of or worrying about the long term consequences or the effect it ultimately has on themselves, their loved ones or the environment in which they live.
Can they not see that by not caring for or respecting themselves, their health, their loved ones and their environment that without those 4 things they have nothing?
I can’t understand how a person can complain and rant and carry on about their health or lack their of, how they can expect not to get sick, expect not to feel aches and pains. Expect that if they don’t look after their bodies or their own health that they will not suffer the consequences for it as they age.

Like the junk food eater that develops high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, weight problems......then complains about their health and ends up on all sorts of medication instead of taking some responsibility for what they eat and how they live.
Like the couch potato that gets old before their time and can’t even kick a footy around with their kids because they are so unfit, over weight and just generally lack the motivation......

Great role modelling hey!
I don’t get the illogical way of thinking.

How is it that we don’t want to take the responsibility for ourselves or our own environment?
How is it that a person can sleep at night and not care or worry about such things......

Are we so blinded and distracted by our own egos that we simply and selfishly only think of ourselves....
I say YES.... offcourse, because if we did stop to think and to feel and we took the time to educate ourselves there is NO way we could sleep at night  knowing that they/ we should take responsibility not only for ourselves and the ones we love but for the suffering of other beings....

But maybe it’s ok, because instead of facing all this, instead of looking at one self or seeing how we affect anything else, we close our eyes and we say
‘don’t show me that picture or video’
‘don’t tell me about it’
‘I’ll read about it later’
‘It doesn’t affect me’
‘I don’t care’

It’s just easier for them (you) to just get angry and criticise people (me) that say hey maybe you should listen, look, read, watch, feel and take some responsibility.
But i guess it’s just easier to criticise me and get angry and say you don’t want to hear any of it...
Because ignorance is bliss and ignorance makes life easy...
and if you look at me and say that I’m the crazy spaced out hippie then you don’t need to take any responsibility and you can sleep at night.

But weather you want to know it or are hurting yourself and YOU are responsible for the pain and suffering of so many helpless creatures that are nothing more than a commodity to you and the other 99.5% of the population...
Yep that’s right most statistics show that only 0.5% of the population are’s no wonder I feel so alone some times...and I’m the one that the world looks on to as being the ‘mad’ one...but hey I’m not the one eating something that was once living and breathing and felt pain...
but yeah I’m the one that’s wrong....

In the end you can choose to stick to your little Hollywood fluff piece’s that keep you distracted and stupid or you could maybe take some initiative and find some brain food and check out how things really work in this world...

Yes ignorance is bliss but ignorance is also harmful and dangerous to you, to the people you love and to your world.
Sometimes I do find it hard to sleep at night when the things I’ve witnessed like the cruelty we have inflicted on so many creatures creeps into my the scenes from hidden cameras showing animals getting treated like products and being unbelievably and disgustingly hurt and damaged to the brink of death and left to suffer because it’s just common practise in the factory farming industry....

Yes, it’s hard to sleep and hard to get those images out of my mind...but at least I can know in my heart that I am in no way a part of the society which deems it acceptable.

I don’t think it’s a question of whether or not we’re greater or more intelligent we’re just different.

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