Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Has the world gone mad...No, apparently I have...

Has the world gone mad...No, apparently I have...

For 20 years...I’ve sat quietly....

I've let people make fun of my apparently 'wacky' vegetarian lifestyle....

I've been the afterthought at the dinner party, the bbq, the restaurant, with friends and with family....because apparently vegetarian and vegan food are too much hassle and don't taste good...ppppfffttttt 'Trolls'!!!

I've been made fun off, ridiculed and even attacked with stupid questions from uneducated meat eating trolls that have no idea of nutrition stating that i must be unhealthy and lacking protein...

Seriously leave me alone to enjoy my food.....


NO enough is enough......

Not any more...

Not now

It offends me, it bothers me, and I hate it more than you can imagine when I find myself in social situations and I see, what I look at as the creatures the intelligent beings, my defenceless animal friends being served on a plate and my friends happily and blindly stuffing their face’s with big smiles while they chomp into chicken or bacon or a piece of steak. It really breaks my heart that the world is so desensitised to the fact they are eating something that was once alive.

Can somebody please tell me why do we think we are so mighty and powerful that we have the right to have something suffer and die so we can eat it...

Where you may see a piece of crispy bacon I see the leftover of an intelligent animal that was kept caged in a factory farm for the entirety of its short miserable life, living in filth, pumped full of growth hormone and antibiotics never seeing the light of day of feeling any love or compassion.

I’m pretty sure that would be an offence if you treated your dog or cat that way...

But for some reason its okay to do it to a pig....

It bothers me, it really fucking bothers me. I do not want to be around and witness it happening.

It breaks my heart.

It kills me inside.

I feel like crying.

I feel like screaming.

I want to say STOP look at what you are doing are you MAD.....

But I can’t and I don’t....

Because no one cares and no one wants to hear.

Because apparently I’m the one that’s mad..

People roll their eyes, and make fun of the crazy irrational hippie chick.

I wish I could control these emotions. I wish all this stuff didn’t bother me. I wish i could just let it go and not feel a thing.

I wish i could find the off switch.

It seems not many of my friends understand me. I’ve changed; I’m not the same person I used to be.

But I am...I am the same person; the only difference is that my values and ethics have changed. My actions may be a little different.

And for the most part, I’m sorry because I know for some I'm getting increasingly harder to be around.

And as much as my friends must hate my voice of social conscious and the changes I’ve made to myself and my life style..

Is just as much as I hate the lack of care, the refusal to learn and refusal to face and take responsibility for the things that they are a part off.

As much as I just want to love you all and not let things worry me, I'm finding it increasingly hard to continue to turn a blind eye at the ignorance and lack of compassion coming from my very own close friends and family.

So much of me wish's that you where open to receiving knowledge and had an open mind along with a caring and willing attitude.

But it seems that the more time goes on, the more I leave some of you behind. The more we grow apart and the less we have in common.

Sometimes I feel alone but at least I feel at peace.

I can walk past the baby cows every morning and know that I am not the reason they are not with their mothers nor the reason the little bully calves will become veal.

The changes these past few months been have very spontaneous, things have changed overnight but it has felt like the most obvious and natural choice for me.

It has created discomfort for me (around some people) but more so for my friends (which i don’t see much off these days) .

The things I talk about are forcing them to deal with moral issues they'd rather suppress.

Empathy is not convenient.

A social conscious or being the voice of reason does not make you popular.

I have to wonder how would i have reacted if a vegan came to me a few years ago when i was a vegaterian and spoke to me about the things I'm speaking about now?

Would i have rejected the information? Or accepted it?

"Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected."

Gandhi said this and so I will try to be as compassionate as possible.

I will try and be gentle and understanding.

I will supress my beliefs thoughts and feelings and I will turn a blind eye and keep my mouth closed as much as possible when I'm out in public so as not to offend anyone or come across as judgemental, as that is never my intention.

But here.... on face book I will write and post and have opinions....and spread as much information as I dam well please... Because while ignorence is bliss I would like to believe that it's mainly ignorance not a lack of care that makes most people make the choices they make.

And if anyone doesn't like it or want to hear about it then hit

deleate or block or what ever.....

A couple of things changed my life this year.....

Earthlings (documentary)

Peaceable Kingdom (documentary)

Joining - PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals)

These three things opened up the doors to a world of information..

Don't be scared, don't turn a blind eye...











1 comment:

  1. one more thing.....

    I'm sick of hearing people say;

    'It's my choice' or
    it's a personal opinion.
    How is an animal suffering a personal opinion or your choice, its a fact that the animal suffers and is killed.....

    So, umm you are basically saying that you are 'choosing' for animals to suffer, you are comfortable with factorie farming practises... and you want me to be ok with that...

    So basically if something is weaker, defenless and hasn't got the lanuage to speak up or argue its own case...then you can do with it what you like.....
