Thursday, 19 May 2011

I was speaking with a friend of mine on the phone tonight...

She’s a lovely person, always helping fact will go out of her way for not only friends but strangers in need to.
She shows compassion, understanding and has more patience then I could ever have when dealing with people. I have witnessed her give up her time, her money, given counselling and listen to other people’s problems for hours on end doing anything she can to help.
I guess what shocks me about her, is her lack of care when it comes to innocent creatures..
For a person that can be so kind hearted, compassionate and genuine.... that she can turn to me and say with a light hearted giggle in her voice...’I respect what you are doing, it’s a good thing...but I could never give up meat I like the way it tastes too much’.
I love my friend and don’t want to offend her, I don’t want her to feel like I’m judging her or putting her down. But honestly, the taste argument...

This is a reflection of 99.5% of the people I know...
It’s either the ‘taste’ argument, the ‘convenience’ argument, the ‘protein’ argument, the ‘calcium’ argument. Or the ‘this is just the way it is; we’ve always done it...the ‘habit/tradition’ argument.

Again...I love my friends and I love my family...but all the above are not good enough reasons. For the sake of a taste.Really????

OOP’s umm sorry, did I mistake you dog for a pig and your cat for a chicken....No matter, once I serve them up in a nice roast with a spicy sauce and some stuffing with won’t be able to tell the difference....NOW SHUT UP and enjoy your meal you crazy emotional pet lov’n FREAK it’s free range cat and dog...think of how tender and fresh it will taste.....YUM!!!!

It seems the more I try to get my point across the more I get dismissed as one of those crazy emotional vegans....

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