Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Quality v's quantity

Today I was told that if I kept going...(speaking up for animal rights, advocating as a vegan, posting blogs, posting notes etc etc..) I would end up living in a bubble with only my son, boyfriend, cousin and mother as friends....

This really upset me...I didn’t think I was a horrible or nasty person, I didn’t think my close friends would not want me around, sure I may not want to have dinner at a steak house or eat at a German restaurant  where giant pork knuckles are being served or do BBQ’s...but is there not other things we can do ???) or so I thought....

It’s true, I have closed of my old face book account of ‘500’ and my new account is only in the low 20’s...

It’s true I have spoken out, been raw at times, been honest about my feelings, anger and disgust, been  offensive in not ‘sugar coating’ any detail or worried about political correctness.....

I have shared my opinion and posted a lot of information (but I have not tagged anyone or forced it down anyone’s throat)

I don’t think I’m better than anyone else, I do think I have cared a little more to have sought out information, been open minded and willing to think outside of the conventional social square...

It’s true I have called people on it when they make silly claims and statements like:

I’m spiritual,

I love animals,

I could never give up meat, and I don’t have as strong beliefs as you (facts people, not beliefs)

Really, honestly these things can’t be claimed if you are going to turn around and eat or wear an animal...(take the responsibility and do some research on the industries and practises you are supporting and if you can still turn around and claim and believe to be spiritual or love animals when you have all this information..I will cook up and eat my own arm)

It’s true I have turned down dinner invitations when I know I’m going to have to sit and watch people eat meat (seriously you may as well cook up and eat my dog in front of me...it’s all the same..dog, cat, pig, cow, chicken...do you get the picture).

I mean, I know how much food takes part in social interactions with friends, so heart break aside maybe this is something I need to learn to deal with..........

It’s true, Sometimes I get frustrated and angry... with the ignorance, stupidity and unwillingness to take some form of responsibility

It’s true I purposely have not added people to my new account because I just don’t want to have to deal with their negativity

(Why do people feel like they need to justify their meat eating to me?)

Yes I want the world to turn vegan...

I know it’s never going to happen so go and eat your meal and leave me out of it...

I don’t need to hear  your justification, apologies or guilt  ...and further more putting me down or making fun of me doesn’t change the facts or my beliefs, I’ve been on your side of the fence, I was there 20 years ago and no amount of taunting or teasing will take me back......

‘You, as a non-vegan, must remember that most vegans thought, felt and ate like
you do. Everything you say, we know. So please, refrain from trying to
convince us that you are 'right'. Your reasons are just a bad reminder
of how we used to be. Vegans have left that pool of delusions and
outdated doctrines. Now it's your turn to do the same. By Anita

So.....what do I do, where do I go from here....

Do I just shut up and forget just to fit in and be popular again...

After all everybody loved super funky munty ravie graceie...she was popular...

Do I give up my beliefs, keep quiet, conform to popular social culture  for popularity and fear of living in a bubble with only a chosen few...

Do I care if my friends list went from 500 to 23......meh

Popularity is over rated, give me my bubble, my boyfriend, my son, my mum, my cousin and I’m sure their are going to be a few more peeps I pick up along the way....

I’ve always thought quality is far better than quantity....

Saturday, 21 May 2011

A friend of mine posted on his wall the other day...

 His post stated....that he was now aware of the factory farming practises due to both myself and cousin posting
and sharing information and added that there was ‘No Fear’ of him ever going vegetarian or vegan...

Interesting choice of words “No Fear”
Fear of what exactly???

The ‘Fear’ of change

 The ‘Fear’ of being different

 The ‘Fear’ of not fitting into a society that is geared and revolves around the use of animals

 The ‘Fear’ of facing the cruelty that is inflicted on animals

 The ‘Fear’ of taking the responsibility for the things meat eaters are a part of

 The ‘Fear’ of being ridiculed, made fun off, laughed at and being dismissed as a crazy person for advocating for animals..

The 'Fear' of not having enough to eat... (not likely)

 He proceeded in saying that I was in fact ‘crazy’ for my beliefs and that I cared about animals more than humans...

 Two things bother me about that statement....

 Firstly.....Beliefs and facts are not the same thing...I don’t believe that animals might be getting abused or killed......they actually are getting abused and killed.......Fact...FUCKEN HELL... how many times to i have to repeat myself with this......

And secondly........

Interesting that he viewed at it as an ‘us’ and ‘them’ scenario. It is not a question of loving one more than the other or having more compassion for one species.

It is a question of fairness, rights, not exploiting others, not harming others, not bullying or enslaving,not taking what is not ours....

 It is a question of doing the right, kind, fair and compassionate thing.

Besides, in the interest of humanity;

The number of people worldwide who will die as a result of malnutrition this year = 20 million

Number of people who could be adequately fed using land freed if Americans reduced their intake of meat by 10% = 100 million.....

Vegan life style is not just about animal rights, it's about human sustainability on this planet.....

For an educated man I have trouble understanding the lack of knowledge......

If we are the so called more ‘evolved’, ‘smarter’, ‘stronger’ species should not we then look after and nurture others.

If we are the custodians of this planet shouldn’t we be more responsible and make sure we all live in peace and harmony.....

Another friend wrote;

You don't have to hide who you are around me. ‘Just cos i might not believe in things as strongly as you do doesn’t mean you can't be yourself around me.’

 It’s not a question of ‘believing’ or the degree of ‘believing’ Factory farming practices and animal abuse in the dairy and egg industries are a fact. Whether or not people believe in it or not is by no means the point...... it happens....when will people understand that...

 When will people understand that if they chose to demand the supply of meat, dairy, eggs ect that they are responsible of the suffering of these innocent creatures....

 The statement should read.... ‘Just cos i might not care about animals suffering as strongly as you do doesn’t mean you can't be yourself around me.’......

So not trting to be offensive here, but again....not a question of believing.....It's a question of caring....and how much????

Friday, 20 May 2011

New look....New Gracielee .

New look....New Gracielee .
Yesterday I closed my original face book account because my posts on animal rights and vegan lifestyle where becomeing to offensive to a lot of people....
I really shouldn't care what other people think or say but...
I am not as tough and thick skinned as people think and honestly the comments I was getting and the negativity was really hurting me....
I started a new one (new look, new me) and I'm just going to add certain people...mainly other animal rights activists and vegans...

I know this might sound strange, like i'm isolating myself but I kind of need one place that I can sound off and have a rant and be with like minded people without the fear of being put down or made fun off..

I know I'm not crazy or wrong in my beliefs and don't live my life the way I do to be offensive to others or to be difficult....

If people, mainly those close to me actually took the time to understand that the last 6 months have been a big journey of discovery for me.

I've lived the life of a lacto vegatarian for 20 years and made the change to veganism 6 months ago after taking the resposibility and seeking out information.....
I have read so much literature on nutrition, animal rights and factory farming,
I have watched countless disturbing secret video footage taken on factory farms right here in Australia, watched heaps of documentaries, listened to lectures and spoken personally to RSPCA inspectors to try and find justification,clarity and reason behind all the things that have been hidden to us for so long....
and it's actually worse in most cases then the fluff pieces the general public are exposed to on commercial news and media...And really their is no justification, no answers...just a heartless desisitised public that includes most of the people I know.....

All this has changed me so much and I can’t simply sit idle and quietly because that makes me just as bad as the people I have seen and read about....I can’t and don’t want to be part of this system......

I don't want to drop any of my old friends but I find it increasingly hard to turn a blind eye and keep quiet....I'm not comfortable anymore.
Honestly...i just am sick of people telling me I'm radical and over the top when they haven’t taken the time to understand why I do and live the way I do...

I just need a safe and happy zone where I feel comfortable and normal...

Every where I go and everything I see on a daily basis is geared to a desensitized
society that I don't fit into comfortably anymore.....

My hope is that the people I love and care about will seek me out and give me an ear an open mind and an open heart...


Thursday, 19 May 2011

I was speaking with a friend of mine on the phone tonight...

She’s a lovely person, always helping others...in fact will go out of her way for not only friends but strangers in need to.
She shows compassion, understanding and has more patience then I could ever have when dealing with people. I have witnessed her give up her time, her money, given counselling and listen to other people’s problems for hours on end doing anything she can to help.
I guess what shocks me about her, is her lack of care when it comes to innocent creatures..
For a person that can be so kind hearted, compassionate and genuine.... that she can turn to me and say with a light hearted giggle in her voice...’I respect what you are doing, it’s a good thing...but I could never give up meat I like the way it tastes too much’.
I love my friend and don’t want to offend her, I don’t want her to feel like I’m judging her or putting her down. But honestly, the taste argument...

This is a reflection of 99.5% of the people I know...
It’s either the ‘taste’ argument, the ‘convenience’ argument, the ‘protein’ argument, the ‘calcium’ argument. Or the ‘this is just the way it is; we’ve always done it...the ‘habit/tradition’ argument.

Again...I love my friends and I love my family...but all the above are not good enough reasons. For the sake of a taste.Really????

OOP’s umm sorry, did I mistake you dog for a pig and your cat for a chicken....No matter, once I serve them up in a nice roast with a spicy sauce and some stuffing with gravy...you won’t be able to tell the difference....NOW SHUT UP and enjoy your meal you crazy emotional pet lov’n FREAK it’s free range cat and dog...think of how tender and fresh it will taste.....YUM!!!!

It seems the more I try to get my point across the more I get dismissed as one of those crazy emotional vegans....

How to win an arguement with a meat eater...Just state the facts

The Hunger Argument
Number of people worldwide who will die as a result of malnutrition this year: 20 million

Number of people who could be adequately fed using land freed if Americans reduced their intake of meat by 10%: 100 million

Percentage of corn grown in the U.S. eaten by people: 20

Percentage of corn grown in the U.S. eaten by livestock: 80

Percentage of oats grown in the U.S. eaten by livestock: 95

Percentage of protein wasted by cycling grain through livestock: 90

How frequently a child dies as a result of malnutrition: every 2.3 seconds

Pounds of potatoes that can be grown on an acre: 40,000

Pounds of beef produced on an acre: 250

Percentage of U.S. farmland devoted to beef production: 56

Pounds of grain and soybeans needed to produce a pound of edible flesh from feedlot beef: 16

The Environmental Argument
Cause of global warming: greenhouse effect

Primary cause of greenhouse effect:
carbon dioxide
emissions from fossil fuels

Fossil fuels needed to produce meat-centered diet vs. a meat-free diet: 3 times more

Percentage of U.S. topsoil lost to date: 75

Percentage of U.S. topsoil loss directly related to livestock raising: 85

Number of acres of U.S. forest cleared for cropland to produce meat-centered
diet: 260 million

Amount of meat imported to U.S. annually from Central and South America: 300,000,000 pounds

Percentage of Central American children under the age of five who are
undernourished: 75

Area of tropical rainforest consumed in every quarter-pound of rainforest beef:
55 square feet

Current rate of species extinction due to destruction of tropical rainforests for meat grazing and other uses: 1,000 per year

The Cancer Argument
Increased risk of breast cancer for women who eat meat daily compared to less than once a week: 3.8 times

For women who eat eggs daily compared to once a week: 2.8 times

For women who eat butter and cheese 2-4 times a week: 3.25 times

Increased risk of fatal ovarian cancer for women who eat eggs 3 or more times a week vs. less than once a week: 3 times

Increased risk of fatal prostate cancer for men who consume meat, cheese, eggs and milk daily vs. sparingly or not at all: 3.6 times.

The Cholesterol Argument

Number of U.S. medical schools: 125

Number requiring a course in nutrition: 30

Nutrition training received by average U.S. physician during four years in medical school: 2.5 hours

Most common cause of death in the U.S.: heart attack

How frequently a heart attack kills in the U.S.: every 45 seconds

Average U.S. man's risk of death from heart attack: 50 percent

Risk of average U.S. man who eats no meat: 15 percent

Risk of average U.S. man who eats no meat, dairy or eggs: 4 percent

Amount you reduce risk of heart attack if you reduce consumption of meat, dairy and eggs by 10 percent: 9 percent

Amount you reduce risk of heart attack if you reduce consumption by 50 percent:
45 percent

Amount you reduce risk if you eliminate meat, dairy and eggs from your diet: 90 percent

Average cholesterol level of people eating meat-centered-diet: 210 mg/dl

Chance of dying from heart disease if you are male and your blood cholesterol level is 210 mg/dl: greater than 50 percent

The Natural Resources Argument

User of more than half of all water used for all purposes in the U.S.: livestock production

Amount of water used in production of the average cow: sufficient to float a destroyer

Gallons of water needed to produce a pound of wheat: 25

Gallons of water needed to produce a pound of California beef: 5,000

Years the world's known oil reserves would last if every human ate a
meat-centered diet: 13

Years they would last if human beings no longer ate meat: 260

Calories of fossil fuel expended to get 1 calorie of protein from beef: 78

To get 1 calorie of protein from soybeans: 2

Percentage of all raw materials (base products of farming, forestry and mining, including fossil fuels) consumed by U.S. that is devoted to the production of
livestock: 33

Percentage of all raw materials consumed by the U.S. needed to produce a complete vegetarian diet: 2

The Antibiotic Argument

Percentage of U.S. antibiotics fed to livestock: 55

Percentage of staphylococci infections resistant to penicillin in 1960: 13

Percentage resistant in 1988: 91

Response of European Economic Community to routine feeding of antibiotics to livestock: ban

Response of U.S. meat and pharmaceutical industries to routine feeding of antibiotics to livestock: full and complete support

The Pesticide Argument

Common belief:
U.S. Department of Agriculture protects our health through meat inspection
fewer than 1 out of every 250,000 slaughtered animals is tested for toxic chemical residues

Percentage of U.S. mother's milk containing significant levels of DDT: 99

Percentage of U.S. vegetarian mother's milk containing significant levels of DDT: 8

Contamination of breast milk, due to chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides in animal products, found in meat-eating mothers vs. non-meat eating mothers: 35 times higher

Amount of Dieldrin ingested by the average breast-fed American infant: 9 times the permissible level

The Ethical Argument

Number of animals killed for meat per hour in the U.S.: 660,000

Occupation with highest turnover rate in U.S.: slaughterhouse worker

Occupation with highest rate of on-the-job-injury in U.S.: slaughterhouse worker

The Survival Argument

Athlete to win Ironman Triathlon more than twice: Dave Scott (6 time winner)

Food choice of Dave Scott: Vegetarian

Largest meat eater that ever lived: Tyrannosaurus Rex (Where is he today?)

Ignorance is bliss/ Ignorance is irresponsible

Is it just our lack of knowledge that makes us so ignorant or do we just disregard the principles of logic and hold on to the routine of our lives blindly without thought or care because that’s all we know and care to know.

I don’t understand how anyone can be faced with logic and disregard it without thinking of or worrying about the long term consequences or the effect it ultimately has on themselves, their loved ones or the environment in which they live.
Can they not see that by not caring for or respecting themselves, their health, their loved ones and their environment that without those 4 things they have nothing?
I can’t understand how a person can complain and rant and carry on about their health or lack their of, how they can expect not to get sick, expect not to feel aches and pains. Expect that if they don’t look after their bodies or their own health that they will not suffer the consequences for it as they age.

Like the junk food eater that develops high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, weight problems......then complains about their health and ends up on all sorts of medication instead of taking some responsibility for what they eat and how they live.
Like the couch potato that gets old before their time and can’t even kick a footy around with their kids because they are so unfit, over weight and just generally lack the motivation......

Great role modelling hey!
I don’t get the illogical way of thinking.

How is it that we don’t want to take the responsibility for ourselves or our own environment?
How is it that a person can sleep at night and not care or worry about such things......

Are we so blinded and distracted by our own egos that we simply and selfishly only think of ourselves....
I say YES.... offcourse, because if we did stop to think and to feel and we took the time to educate ourselves there is NO way we could sleep at night  knowing that they/ we should take responsibility not only for ourselves and the ones we love but for the suffering of other beings....

But maybe it’s ok, because instead of facing all this, instead of looking at one self or seeing how we affect anything else, we close our eyes and we say
‘don’t show me that picture or video’
‘don’t tell me about it’
‘I’ll read about it later’
‘It doesn’t affect me’
‘I don’t care’

It’s just easier for them (you) to just get angry and criticise people (me) that say hey maybe you should listen, look, read, watch, feel and take some responsibility.
But i guess it’s just easier to criticise me and get angry and say you don’t want to hear any of it...
Because ignorance is bliss and ignorance makes life easy...
and if you look at me and say that I’m the crazy spaced out hippie then you don’t need to take any responsibility and you can sleep at night.

But weather you want to know it or not....you are hurting yourself and YOU are responsible for the pain and suffering of so many helpless creatures that are nothing more than a commodity to you and the other 99.5% of the population...
Yep that’s right most statistics show that only 0.5% of the population are Vegan...it’s no wonder I feel so alone some times...and I’m the one that the world looks on to as being the ‘mad’ one...but hey I’m not the one eating something that was once living and breathing and felt pain...
but yeah I’m the one that’s wrong....

In the end you can choose to stick to your little Hollywood fluff piece’s that keep you distracted and stupid or you could maybe take some initiative and find some brain food and check out how things really work in this world...

Yes ignorance is bliss but ignorance is also harmful and dangerous to you, to the people you love and to your world.
Sometimes I do find it hard to sleep at night when the things I’ve witnessed like the cruelty we have inflicted on so many creatures creeps into my head...like the scenes from hidden cameras showing animals getting treated like products and being unbelievably and disgustingly hurt and damaged to the brink of death and left to suffer because it’s just common practise in the factory farming industry....

Yes, it’s hard to sleep and hard to get those images out of my mind...but at least I can know in my heart that I am in no way a part of the society which deems it acceptable.

I don’t think it’s a question of whether or not we’re greater or more intelligent we’re just different.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

I don’t want to have a beef with anyone; i just want to be a vegetarian......

Seems I’ve been upsetting a few people of late...with my ‘radical’ views and opinions lol..... But....my friends...
There is a big difference between FACT, VIEWS and OPINION....
I do not try to change anyone or enforce my opinion, views or beliefs on people.
I merely post information and links etc... In the hope that the compassion in people will inspire them to make kinder choices and maybe open the doors to seek more information for themselves.

My aim is to share and pass on the information I have been given by others or have found for myself for the sole and simple goal of wanting a kinder world to live in....

This is my dream.....It’s that simple

But my dream it seems...has lately been making some people angry, uncomfortable and yes it's fair to say I've also offended some and upset others....

People should understand that I am only posting links to further information, to spread information or simply to state facts on some of the issues that I feel passionate about.

I'm not saying that I don't put a spin on the things I say with my own personal opinion ....off course I do...but it seems people get all emotional and can't distinguish between the two....being FACT and OPINION

So read and understand carefully because if you are going to criticise me, or get angry or personally attack me....I need you to be on a level playing field and not get fact and opinion mixed up.

I am not a bitch and I do not do, or say ,or live my life the way I do to be a difficult person.

I think the reason people get so upset with my links, posts, notes, blogs ect is because they don’t want to face the fact that they are part of a violent and vicious society.

No one wants to be told or shown or be reminded of the cruelty taking place that they are an indirect part of.....I get that....I do...but getting angry at me does not change the facts of the matter.... Getting angry at me when I post something to do with factory farming or the ‘FACTS’ of the dairy industry does not change the ‘FACTS’

So.....let me clear this up first;

I agree people that people should have the right to choose their own beliefs and follow whatever diet they like...as people should be free to make personal choices.

But a person choice should be just that....


So let me define a personal choice........

The effect of that choice should really only impact on the individual making the choice...with minimal impact to the people they love and to the rest of society......’PERSONAL’


You choose to wear clown shoes and dye your hair green, wear polka dotted bow tries (totally personal, not hurting or affecting anyone) go for your life...all good

TOTALLY A PERSONAL CHOICE – Bad fashion sense unless of course you are a clown...nevertheless PERSONAL.....


Smoking is a personal choice to an extent (this one is a little more tricky)....

it can also have impact on the people you love if;

you smoke around them (passive smoking)

if you spend the family budget to support your habit,

if you get cancer and your family then have to pay for your medical bills as well as looking after you,

if you can’t play with your kids because you are unfit,

if your family suffer financially because you take days off work due to smoking related illnesses .....

Are you getting my drift so far.......


Eating meat, dairy or using animals for clothes, entertainment, experimentation


I'm sick of hearing people say;

'It's my choice'


it’s a personal opinion;

in regards to eating meat or using animals for clothes, entertainment, experimentation.....

This is not a personal choice, it can’t be.... as it involves more than one living being (human and animal)

FACT – there are 2 separate parties in this equation

The animal obviously cannot speak or defend itself physically. FACT

But being that the animal is voiceless and defences, does not mean that it should not be considered in this equation....

Because using this logic means, that if a living being is weaker and unable to communicate we are free to exploit it, torture it, disrespect it and end its life at our will....

NO that is morally wrong.... ( this is my personal opinion, obviously in our society it is not deemed as morally wrong, check out factory farming practises)

Consider this:

When the animal arrives at the abattoir it has to be forced of the truck and onto the killing floor (i think that is a clear indication that the animal does have... if nothing else, the instinct to want to live and not want to feel pain) so I think it’s safe to say that the animals choice or personal opinion is that it wants to live regardless of the language barrier.


When a choice we make affects or involves another living being weather it is an animal or a person...

It is no longer a personal choice (this is not my opinion, this is a fact)

An animal suffering on a factory farm or being sent to a slaughter house is not

a personal opinion or a personal choice it is a FACT

FACT..... animals suffer and are killed.....

FACT.....slaughter houses are not friendly places where cows and pigs get belly rubs and cuddles...

FACT ....factory farming practices are inhumane and are operated for profit... (don’t believe me, take some responsibility, man up and follow some of my links or come for a visit to the dairy I live on and I’ll gladly take you on a tour....)

So yes... people should make whatever diet choices they like but when they bring another living being into the equation then it’s NO LONGER a personal choice....

Compassion should extend to all creatures....(my personal opinion)

I guess I just have this crazy idea in my head that it’s wrong to hurt animals...(my personal opinion)


I hope you understand the flaw in the statement.

YOU choosing to eat meat is NOT a personal choice.. Animal +  human = two parties in this process.....

Yes it’s your choice but it is not personal...

YOU are part of a system that exploits tortures and kills other living beings...there is no way to sugar coat it...

Whether or not you see what goes on in slaughter houses or whether or not you see how these animals are made to suffer and live is not the point...

It happens and it’s a FACT....

Yes you are choosing for this to happen but by no means is this a personal choice that has not directly affected the life of another living breathing individual...Its the same as me beating my dog and saying that it’s ok to do so because it’s my personal choice to do it.....

So go ahead if you want to eat meat or eggs or dairy..... eat away..eat whatever the hell you like..but do not try and justify yourself by saying that it is a personal choice you have made and that you have the right to do so because your decision does not affect anyone else....

when clearly it does...

So don’t get all emotional and angry at me about it....

If you are comfortable with what goes on and you are a part of the practises that go along with your steak or meat lovers pizza then so be it...own it...

STOP getting angry at me when I post THE FACTS of where your food comes from and the FACTS on how much the animals suffer.....


NOW let me throw in my personal opinion.....

The fact that you are commenting on my notes, blogs, links etc...mean that you have been exposed to the information....the fact that you are offended by it and feel the need to attack me and defend yourself means that that you are uncomfortable with it.

I personally find it hard to be around people that think it is okay for factory farming.

I know what goes on I see the animals suffer and I think anyone that can knowingly and willingly continue to consume meat and dairy products is a heartless and un compassionate person. (my opinion)


I love my animal brothers and sisters. They are innocent, peaceful, loyal andloving beings that are capable of love, sadness, joy, fear, pain and everyother emotion we have...

I cannot willingly or even indirectly be a party to any suffering and won’t stand for people making a mockery of their lives, pain or death....

TELL ME how do I, knowing what I know after all I have seen, read and experienced  then simply turn a blind eye and be accepting  of people that simply do not care, when they

will happily and blindly be a part of the system that causes so much pain and misery to so many.

DO you get where I’m coming from...

For example:

If i was to wear dog and cat fur and I’d  bought it from a dealer that kept dogs and cats confined to tiny cages were they could only stand up and sit down, where they were beaten and skinned alive..And i said to you...It’s my choice and I can wear cat and dog if I like..

Tell me..... Would you be comfortable with it..

Would you sit by me quietly and accept that I had no compassion for the animals that you call pets and have loved through childhood...would you turn a blind eye to me flaunting my cat and dog made jumpers and boots... Would you still want to be around me ....

Are you getting the point yet.....

IN my eyes 'we' are all created equal and have the right to pain free life....


I know that most people don’t really give a dam and will cover their ears and close their eyes and turn their backs on all other creatures because they simply can’t go without their steak or chicken or leather boots...

I’m not naive; I know I can’t change the world...

I know that no matter how much i rant and rave and try and show people what they are indirectly a part of that they will never share my beliefs.....

Some people simply do not have compassion...

Some people are comfortable with what happens to animals and don’t really care...

But I can’t live with that hey...

I don’t think animals should be hurt for our needs especially when they don’t need to be.

I have tried to share with you my knowledge and advocate for my animal brothers and sisters ( yes we share a high percentage of DNA with our animal friends...don’t believe me...check it out for yourself)

Don’t get me wrong I do understand that most people prefer to live dumbed down...it’s much

easier to be part of the mainstream and follow along blindly, i get that...but don't get the heartless attitude to the innocent creatures that have done nothing to deserve the miserable lives we expose them to just to meet the selfish needs of the human race... yet most humans will gladly be a part of the system the continues to exploit and harm them...

So next time you see a post from me and you feel the need to attack me remember I’ve done nothing more than tried to share some information..

It's almost like you people want me to forget everything I know that happens to animals before they become meat and not care about it.

I can't do that hey...even when everyone else in the world around me is comfortable with it..I still can't do it...

It's not in my heart to forget or ignore what I know happens everyday...and if people don't like me or want to be my friend...I don't really care...I would rather have 1 quality good hearted person around me than a bunch of selfish hypocrites....

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Has the world gone mad...No, apparently I have...

Has the world gone mad...No, apparently I have...

For 20 years...I’ve sat quietly....

I've let people make fun of my apparently 'wacky' vegetarian lifestyle....

I've been the afterthought at the dinner party, the bbq, the restaurant, with friends and with family....because apparently vegetarian and vegan food are too much hassle and don't taste good...ppppfffttttt 'Trolls'!!!

I've been made fun off, ridiculed and even attacked with stupid questions from uneducated meat eating trolls that have no idea of nutrition stating that i must be unhealthy and lacking protein...

Seriously leave me alone to enjoy my food.....


NO enough is enough......

Not any more...

Not now

It offends me, it bothers me, and I hate it more than you can imagine when I find myself in social situations and I see, what I look at as the creatures the intelligent beings, my defenceless animal friends being served on a plate and my friends happily and blindly stuffing their face’s with big smiles while they chomp into chicken or bacon or a piece of steak. It really breaks my heart that the world is so desensitised to the fact they are eating something that was once alive.

Can somebody please tell me why do we think we are so mighty and powerful that we have the right to have something suffer and die so we can eat it...

Where you may see a piece of crispy bacon I see the leftover of an intelligent animal that was kept caged in a factory farm for the entirety of its short miserable life, living in filth, pumped full of growth hormone and antibiotics never seeing the light of day of feeling any love or compassion.

I’m pretty sure that would be an offence if you treated your dog or cat that way...

But for some reason its okay to do it to a pig....

It bothers me, it really fucking bothers me. I do not want to be around and witness it happening.

It breaks my heart.

It kills me inside.

I feel like crying.

I feel like screaming.

I want to say STOP look at what you are doing are you MAD.....

But I can’t and I don’t....

Because no one cares and no one wants to hear.

Because apparently I’m the one that’s mad..

People roll their eyes, and make fun of the crazy irrational hippie chick.

I wish I could control these emotions. I wish all this stuff didn’t bother me. I wish i could just let it go and not feel a thing.

I wish i could find the off switch.

It seems not many of my friends understand me. I’ve changed; I’m not the same person I used to be.

But I am...I am the same person; the only difference is that my values and ethics have changed. My actions may be a little different.

And for the most part, I’m sorry because I know for some I'm getting increasingly harder to be around.

And as much as my friends must hate my voice of social conscious and the changes I’ve made to myself and my life style..

Is just as much as I hate the lack of care, the refusal to learn and refusal to face and take responsibility for the things that they are a part off.

As much as I just want to love you all and not let things worry me, I'm finding it increasingly hard to continue to turn a blind eye at the ignorance and lack of compassion coming from my very own close friends and family.

So much of me wish's that you where open to receiving knowledge and had an open mind along with a caring and willing attitude.

But it seems that the more time goes on, the more I leave some of you behind. The more we grow apart and the less we have in common.

Sometimes I feel alone but at least I feel at peace.

I can walk past the baby cows every morning and know that I am not the reason they are not with their mothers nor the reason the little bully calves will become veal.

The changes these past few months been have very spontaneous, things have changed overnight but it has felt like the most obvious and natural choice for me.

It has created discomfort for me (around some people) but more so for my friends (which i don’t see much off these days) .

The things I talk about are forcing them to deal with moral issues they'd rather suppress.

Empathy is not convenient.

A social conscious or being the voice of reason does not make you popular.

I have to wonder how would i have reacted if a vegan came to me a few years ago when i was a vegaterian and spoke to me about the things I'm speaking about now?

Would i have rejected the information? Or accepted it?

"Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected."

Gandhi said this and so I will try to be as compassionate as possible.

I will try and be gentle and understanding.

I will supress my beliefs thoughts and feelings and I will turn a blind eye and keep my mouth closed as much as possible when I'm out in public so as not to offend anyone or come across as judgemental, as that is never my intention.

But here.... on face book I will write and post and have opinions....and spread as much information as I dam well please... Because while ignorence is bliss I would like to believe that it's mainly ignorance not a lack of care that makes most people make the choices they make.

And if anyone doesn't like it or want to hear about it then hit

deleate or block or what ever.....

A couple of things changed my life this year.....

Earthlings (documentary)

Peaceable Kingdom (documentary)

Joining - PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals)

These three things opened up the doors to a world of information..

Don't be scared, don't turn a blind eye...